Report filed by Zack Butler, 9/29/97
A week in the company town
Can we come in second and still have fun?
(with a little caesar's accent) Koprivnica! Koprivnica!
With 5 seconds left in the fourth quarter of game 7, the two-time defending
champion Bulls, up by 2, get called for another illegal defense penalty. Barkley hits
the free throw and gets the inbound pass to Olajuwon, who sinks the layup to win
the championship.
At least, that's how it felt. Unknowingly ahead by 268 points going into the final
team round (worth 300 with 200 bonus available), the US team made a large
tactical error hoping for some unneeded bonus and ended up without any team
points, finishing second to the Czechs, 9414-9382. And like the poor basketball
analogy, there were many other places in the tournament where we could have
done a bit better. And also like the poor basketball analogy, we did pretty darn
well, all things considered. Wei-Hwa Huang of the US became the second
two-time world champion, and Ron Osher finished second. The other members of
our time, Nick Baxter and myself, were 19th and 9th, respectively.
However, I'm happy to report that the answer to the first question posed above is
"Yes." Once again wined and dined and folk-danced to extremes (this time by the
large "Podravka food factory", the sponsor of the competition and near-owner of
Koprivnica), we learned a few things about Croatia (they eat lots of soup there, for
instance) and generally enjoyed ourselves.
The bulk of the US team arrived in Zagreb after two executive lounges and five
hours in Munich. We then hung out in the park at the Zagreb airport (apparently
they don't need much parking there) waiting for the other teams (and our bus to
Koprivnica) to show and watching all the UN forces drive away. (The fighting is all
far away, but Zagreb is the closest easily-accessible airport.) After hanging out in
the airport cafe with the Germans, Dutch, Finns, and Polish, we bussed out after
the Turks arrived.
In fact, we spent quite a bit of time on the bus, especially day 2, which included a
trip to Zagreb, then to the Castle Brzanec and another castle (Trakoscan) before
coming back for dinner (5 hours or more in the bus). Impressive castles, and fun to
be in the central square of Zagreb amongst the pigeons when the noon cannon
went off. (You'd think after hearing it every day they'd be a bit less skittish.) But still,
a long ride the day before competition.
And so we come to the competition. Shivering. It was in an unheated tent, which
was fine except for before the first round, when it was at best 50F. And in that first
round, after the taking of pictures and the speaking of dignitaries, the Americans
choked, me worst of all. Then we took the big group photo, but luckily the blinding
sun made us squint rather than grimace. The afternoon went a bit better for us, and
we went off to dinner at the famous naive art center in Hlebine in a better mood.
In Hlebine (not the ancestral home of Helene), we were treated to music and
fresh-roasted chestnuts before being led through the gallery of Naive Art, which
originated in Hlebine with Ivan Generalic and is now known world-wide.
We were then treated to another large dinner and folk dancing
under the watchful eye of Croatian TV, who wanted us too join them. Which we did.
We can only hope it was deemed to ridiculous too air.
Competition day 2: Second verse, same as the first. Slowly improving throughout
rounds 3 and 4, including a 1-2-3 finish in round 4, we then suffered the group
brain-fart described above. With competition over, we then proceeded with the
drinking portion of the week, kicked off by our dinner engagement at the opening
of a new Carlsberg brewery in Koprivnica.
The final day in Koprivnica was a bit of an anti-climax, but still fun. In past years,
we've had a blow-out party the last night, winding up in time to catch the bus to the
airport. But with two nights after the competition, no one knew the protocol. The
morning was spent playing (or watching) soccer (depending on if you were
American or not). The afternoon took us to the Podravka museum (I told you they
own the town) which included some evil farm implements, and the house of the
aforementioned Generalic family. Then on to a nearby lake to eat lunch and soak
up the sixth consecutive beautiful day. Kamer proved himself to be at least as
good a stone-skipper as puzzle solver, which is no small feat. From there it was
back to the hotel for the banquet and awards ceremony, followed by the usual
hearty band closing the bar (having wasted half my party potential the previous
night, i was unable to join them for the duration this year).
Sunday found the east-coast Americans with a day to kill, so we skipped the 8:00
airport bus, and Stan, Ron, and I took the 10:35 train to Zagreb (some interesting
negotiations involved). Will and Helene, feeling under the weather, spent the day in
Koprivnica sleeping, eating, and walking. After my first trip on a real compartment
train (I half-expected suspenseful music to start playing and Sean Connery come
running in to hide under my seat), we spent the afternoon looking for an open store
in Zagreb. We first found the Japanese eating lunch outside their hotel (they
stayed two extra days in Zagreb) and joined them, then later found Jeroen of the
Dutch team also wandering around. We did not, however, find an open store. Or
the McDonalds. No, that required Ron and I to walk 3 miles in the evening only to
find it 1/4 mile from the hotel. A question: if you saw an empty McDonalds cup
sitting on a windowsill by the sidewalk, within what radius would you expect to find
the McDonalds?
We then arose early Monday, met Will and Helene at the airport, and flew (and flew
and flew) home. I was then treated to my jet-lagged brain awakening my
poorly-rested body at 4:30 this morning, and managed to convince it to go back to
sleep long enough to wait for the bagel store to be open. Maybe not as good as
N.Y. bagels (you win, Helene), but after a week of Croatian breakfast, a sight for a
tired palate.
In the traditional "Other stories upon request section":
Nightclub high-school (or is that high-school nightclub?)
Travel tips for those in Zagreb on a Sunday
Ceramic chickens!
Painful late night multinational jam session
Stan's fate as it relates to Monopoly
Team standings:

1. Czech Republic |

9415 |

2. USA |

9383 |

3. Hungary |

8518 |

4. Germany |

8215 |

5. Turkey |

7522 |

6. Slovakia |

7225 |

7. Japan |

7087 |

8. Romania |

6012 |

9. Netherlands |

5992 |

10. Poland |

5701 |

1. Wei-Hwa Huang USA |

2742 |

2. Ron Osher USA |

2548 |

3. Robert Babilon Czech Republic |

2467 |

4. Michael Ley Germany |

2440 |

5. Petr Nepovim Czech Republic |

2381 |

6. Miklos Mocsy Hungary |

2295 |

7. Pavel Kalhous Czech Republic |

2237 |

8. György István Hungary |

2212 |

9. Zack Butler USA |

2194 |

10. Markus Gegenheimer Germany |

2188 |
